Our Lord Ganesha


Our Lord Ganesha

We just finished long tradition of celebrating Ganesha, an auspicious festival in India. Looking through the lens of professional corporate individual, we have lots of things to learn and implement in our life.

·      This festival brings people together and help drive towards common goal, teaching us to work as a team and drive collaboration with each other.

·      Embracing Diversity- All kinds of people celebrate together despite of gender, age, race, region and many more. Diversity brings out of the box thinking and drives innovation.

·      Ganeha a god of Intellect- Continuous learning, new skills building and self-development must be individual habit to excel in our area.

·      Ganesha possesses small eyes - Keen observations and remaining focused on our goals is must. With power of internet, social media we are remaining connected with the rest of the world all the time. But this creates lots of disturbances in our work. Our brain is not tunned for high level of multi-tasking, but we try to force it ultimately results in lack of depth and lots of rework. We see many projects under go missing deadlines and not meeting customers key deliverables. Time has come to remain disconnected with the world which will allow us to focus on one thing at a time which will help us to be effective and efficient in everything what we do.

What about weekly celebrating “No Network Day”?

·      Ganesh has human body which possess a human heart which is a symbol of kindness and compassion towards all.

·      Ganesh has a big belly, this is indicating that person should face all pleasant and unpleasant experiences during our life spans with patience, forgiveness, and calmness.

·      Symbol of Mouse as a vehicle indicates to control of ego and always remain grounded.

·      Small mouth and big ears teach us power of silence- speak less, listen more and do lot more in our daily life. We can test our “Say Do Ratio”-How much we talk vs how much we actually do!

 Let us celebrate his wisdom, embrace his teachings, and create prosperous world by reinventing ourselves.

-Prashant Wani, Pune


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