Begin With the End in Mind-Magic of Goal Setting


Today is a special day with the year's biggest “Full Moon Day.” Today early morning, while enjoying the rays of the moon on one side of the mountain, another side of mountain beautiful sunrise was experienced in the valley of Sahyadri mountains at Sinhghad, Pune.


This solar system cycle has been consistent for thousands of years. Nature keeps giving free energy to the entire world consistently, those who realize and experience it can transform their lives and make it meaningful.


Many of us keep searching for the purpose of life during most parts of our life journey. The book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, provides a simple formula of Roles and Goals. He is saying, to understand your all roles in your life (Example-me as a son, father, husband, leader in the organization, and many more) and find the highest goal for that role which you will feel proud about. Then split this goal into small achievable time-bound targets and execute these with full focus till you achieve it. Once you achieve your goal, go for the next one in that series but this time add only extra stretch (say 10%) to your goal, continue this cycle till you achieve an ultimate big goal. These cycles will not be simple as one needs to be passionate, and balance priorities but focus and determination can keep you going.


During this process, miracles will happen for sure.! You will come across people who have already achieved similar goals and they may be working on even bigger ones, you will get inspiration from them. You will come out of your comfort zone. Your goals will automatically expand which you never imagined and you start unleashing hidden power within yourselves. We see many examples around like trekkers who started with small treks, starts climbing Himalayan mountains, first-time runners in a lifetime can easily complete half or even full marathon runs, business leaders visualize big dreams and the team realizes it!


These stretch goals bring meaning to life, you start utilizing your time effectively and overall efforts get invested in the right things. Life's journey becomes enjoyable and fulfilling for you and others around you.

With time, these goals act as a “Power of Compounding” and the snowball gets bigger and bigger. Now you are not an ordinary person but an inspiration for others. Give them a hand, guide them, and let’s create this chain reaction that is never-ending, resulting in people, organization, and society development!

So, what are you waiting for?

Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit;

sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.


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