The Gifted Boss written by Dale Dauten



[ How to Find, Create and Keep Great Employees]

– Dale Dauten

“Success Follows Doing What You Want to Do:

There is no other Way to be Successful”-Malcolm Forbes

It’s time for wishing “Happy New Year-2024”.


Today is also a special occasion to thank our “Role Models, Coaches and best colleagues” who played a key role like “God’s Gift” in our life and career by showing right path, holding our hands and challenging us to climb difficult mountains of our career which has resulted in creation of many shining starts in the world around us.

Another excellent book “The Gifted Boss by Dale Dauten” provides formula to create high standard of work environment by attacking shining stars (great employees) and retaining them for a long term.

The fundamental task of the best manager is not to just manage but to create a magnetic work environment, by attracting great employees who don’t need management, but they lift up their coworkers and their boss to the high levels results.

The great boss must carry these qualities like exceptional energy level, a feel for the people who are clairvoyant and charismatic, offers opportunities to be exceptional. The gifted boss has a few rules and high standards while they have lifelong allies with these exceptional employees.

The typical bosses offer a good job at a competitive wages and benefits which put up the flag of mediocrity. But Gifted bosses are not content to sit back and hope that great employees are sent over to them. They are masters in spotting the talents, as best employees do not need to float their resumes in the market in search of job. They have the ability to look on another level of reality.

Once employee gets experience of working with The Gifted Boss, they know that they will get something more important than just a starting salary, a chance and a change, an opportunity and trust that income shall follow automatically, and their talents will be fully utilized and developed further.

The Gifted Boss creates their own “Poetry” which is associated with their department by becoming innovative and creative so that other best employees can relate, resonate, and get attracted to join this team.

These employees always have at least one skill superior to the boss or serve as a check on the boss work. They have a real emotional investment with customers and understand the customers better than anyone else in the organization. Hence Gifted Boss gets more time to do big things for the company.

When gifted boss and great employees comes together the talent is squared. Both saves each other’s from “Agonies of Management”. They give up roles of knowing all, controlling up etc. giving assignments, supervising work, checking up etc becomes irrelevant. Supervision is replaced by synergy, trust, and trust requires no paperwork.

Try just addition of one great employee in your team, it can double the output of entire department. Remember exceptional employees are drawn to the exceptional environments.

These Gifted Bosses are also watched by company senior officials and ultimately these bosses also get lifted to new big roles to spread high performance culture across the company. This creates big chain reaction through creation of talented and highly achievers in the organization. This way great departments and best in class results can be created.

New methods are demanded from individuals who want to emulate the success, increase opportunities, and create “THE BEST PLACE FOR THE BEST PEOPLE TO WORK”.


Book Summary by -

Prashant Wani, 

31st Dec 2023.


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